These three screens were fairly novel to me: but there were also some differences I wasn't aware of, having never played the game. There are revealed two of the biggest downgrades, the fact that you don't get to ride the animal buddies and how Torchlight Trouble is entirely unattempted. Curious further I decided to click onto the game's page on DKvine where I found that holy grail of classic Vine content: articles not linked on the Features page. Hit the usual logline, poorly ported though admirable they got it to work. I'd idly thought about this before in thinking of what corners of the DKU don't get discussed as much, but I was motivated seeing some guest (which I always like to imagine is some Rare staff member) viewing this thread from 2003 on the cusp of the Advance port, talking about why the Color port from just several years ago wasn't sufficient.

The Gameboy Advance ports get a lot of airtime, but we hardly ever discuss the one from off of the Gameboy Color.